
Development may involve non-trunk infrastructure, necessary trunk infrastructure and/or additional trunk infrastructure costs.
Each of these may result in a specific condition of approval being applied to a development permit and may have implications for infrastructure charging offsets or refunds.

Trunk Infrastructure

The plans for trunk infrastructure (PFTI) in Schedule 3 of the planning scheme identify the trunk infrastructure.

Notwithstanding this, infrastructure not identified on the PFTI, but delivers the equivalent desired standards of service (DSS) to the growth assumed in the local government infrastructure plan (LGIP) can also be considered trunk infrastructure.

Non-Trunk Infrastructure

Other infrastructure is generally regarded as non-trunk and tends to be funded by the developer in what is traditionally known as ‘internal’ or ‘front gate’ works.

Where a developer is conditioned to provide non-trunk infrastructure that delivers the equivalent desired standards of service (DSS) to the growth assumed in the LGIP, they may apply to Council to consider it as trunk infrastructure. The criteria in Council’s infrastructure charges resolution guide this consideration.

Necessary Trunk Infrastructure

If trunk infrastructure is necessary to service the development and is not yet provided, or not adequate, it may be conditioned for the developer to provide as necessary trunk infrastructure.

A developer is generally eligible to claim the cost of necessary trunk infrastructure as offsets to infrastructure charges, or a refund where it exceeds the charges.

Additional Trunk Infrastructure Costs

Where a development is in a location or of a type, scale, intensity or timing that generates different demand or timings of infrastructure to that planned for in the LGIP, it may be conditioned to pay additional trunk infrastructure costs.

The contents of the extra payment condition and refunds for other user’s share will depend on whether or not the development is inside or outside the priority infrastructure area (PIA). It may also allow the applicant to provide infrastructure instead of making the payment.

Further Information

More information can be found on our website:

State Government resources available online include:


The contents of this information sheet have been prepared to assist in the understanding of the Townsville City Plan and trunk infrastructure matters. The information contained herein is not guaranteed for currency or accuracy and does not replace the relevant provisions of the Townsville City Plan or the Planning Act 2016.