This page explains the intent of the Parking rates planning scheme policy within the Townsville City Plan.

A planning scheme (referred to as Townsville City Plan) is a legal document that guides and regulates how land can be developed. The Townsville City Plan also contains planning scheme policies. Planning scheme policies are planning instruments containing locally relevant development standards and guidelines about matters dealt with by a planning scheme. Policies have been specifically designed to support the codes of the planning scheme document.

What is a Planning Scheme Policy?

A planning scheme policy is a planning instrument that provides supporting advice and guidelines for the applicant to follow to achieve the outcomes stated in the Townsville City Plan. A policy may apply to all or part of the local government area. The Parking rates planning scheme policy is one of several planning scheme policies.

A planning scheme policy may:

  • state information that a local government may request for a development application
  • state actions that a local government may take to support the process for making or amending its planning scheme
  • contain standards identified in a code
  • include guidelines or advice about satisfying assessment criteria in the planning scheme.

Planning scheme policies must not:

  • regulate or prohibit the development or use of premises
  • take the place of a code that should be contained within the main body of the planning scheme.

The ‘Drivers’ of Change

The population of Townsville is currently 190,000 and forecast to grow to over 300,000 in the next 25 years.

An efficient transport system is needed to support the social, economic and environmental objectives of the Townsville City Plan.

To achieve these objectives, the Townsville City Plan encourages a shift from a dependence on motor vehicles and focuses on connectivity and support for public transport, walking and cycling. This will ensure our transport network runs efficiently and will help Townsville grow sustainably.

The Townsville City Plan’s settlement pattern is sustainable, avoids urban sprawl and will minimise the cost of new infrastructure to the community.

The parking strategy supports smart growth through the following key points:

  • Directing growth to key infill areas;
  • Supporting public transport, walking and cycling; and
  • Minimising traffic and congestion.

Land Use and Parking Requirements

Parking rates for land uses have been developed as a result of ‘parking generation studies’. As a result, land use activities can be accurately given a rate of parking spaces to service their needs. This ensures that parking space for land use is fit for purpose and aligns to the Townsville City Plan smart growth strategy.

Driving Growth in Key Areas

Locations for significant infill development include the principal centre (CBD) and surrounds, North Ward and in and around Aitkenvale, Thuringowa Central and Hyde Park major centres. This infill development will have a focus on “place making” and enhancement of public spaces and places.

Key infill areas will take advantage of nearby amenities and existing or planned public transport and create more compact, walkable and vibrant urban neighbourhoods.

Parking requirements for the key infill areas will be reduced based on the public transport options in the area, meaning they will attract larger commercial investment and build urban density. Density in areas close to high level of service (recreation, shopping, diverse housing choice) will create an environment where walking, cycling and public transport is a more convenient option.

Reducing the requirement for supplying parking facilities will also make development more affordable in key infill areas. This will support residential affordability and a variety of choice in key locations.

This strategy will progressively shift the reliance on private vehicle transport and encourage investment in Townsville’s major centres over the life of the Townsville City Plan.

Supporting Public Transport, Walking and Cycling

Additionally, the major roads surrounding these key infill areas will begin to operate as key public transport ‘nodes’ (major transport routes). As density around these nodes grows, Townsville will have an efficient foundation to expand and intensify public transport networks.

Minimising Traffic and Congestion

As a result of supporting public transport and walking/cycling becoming more convenient, traffic congestion will be minimised. Building a compact and sustainable settlement pattern will also mean the need for new infrastructure (such as roads, water and sewerage lines) will be minimised.

Rates of Parking Spaces for Particular Land Uses


  • In the Principal centre zone: 1 space per 70m² of Gross Floor Area
  • All other zones: 1 space per 30m² of Gross Floor Area.

Multiple Dwelling

  • In the Principal centre zone: 1.5 spaces per dwelling
  • In the High density residential zone: 1.5 spaces per dwelling
  • In the Medium density residential zone: 1.5 spaces per dwelling and 0.2 spaces per dwelling for visitors
  • All other zones: 1.7 spaces per dwelling and 0.2 spaces per dwelling for visitors.

The Townsville City Plan will allow certain developments (such as units and office blocks) to provide less parking if they locate in and around the CBD, North Ward, Hyde Park major centre, Thuringowa Central major centre and the Aitkenvale major centre.

This approach aims to encourage growth and density in these areas and gradually shift a reliance on private modes of transport, due to everyday needs being in a convenient walking distance from living and working facilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

All land uses are given a rate of parking provision by the Parking rates planning scheme policy, which can be found in Schedule 6 of the Townsville City Plan.

Parking rates of provision will only affect new development, meaning all existing uses do not need to provide additional parking spaces. If it is a new development, the Parking rates planning scheme policy in Schedule 6 of the Townsville City Plan applies.