The purpose of this information sheet is to explain the intent of the Development codes.

The planning scheme (referred to as Townsville City Plan) is a legal document that guides and regulates how land can be developed. The Townsville City Plan is made up of two key elements: a written component and maps. The written component of the Townsville City Plan includes codes which deal with specific types of developments and activities, collectively known as Development codes. Development codes are specific to each planning scheme area. However, some regulated requirements are also included in the Planning Regulation 2017.

Where to Find the Development Codes?

The Development codes are found in Part 9 of the Townsville City Plan and apply to development in addition to the zone codes (Part 6) and overlay codes (Part 8).

What are Development Codes?

Development codes relate to specific types of development such as ‘reconfiguration of a lot’ applications. There are also some Development codes that are more general and relate to a range of uses and development types, including telecommunication facilities and advertising devices.

The following Development codes are found in the Townsville City Plan:

  • advertising devices code
  • healthy waters code
  • landscape code
  • reconfiguring a lot code
  • transport impact, access and parking code
  • works code.

Also note that development may be subject to certain regulated requirements found in the Planning Regulation 2017.

Other Information Sheets of Interest to the Development Codes

The following information sheets provide useful information in relation to other aspects of the Development codes.

Overlays that affect a lot will need consideration in conjunction with the Development codes. Development will need to respond to the overlays ensuring the appropriate design outcomes are achieved whilst complying with the Development codes. In some cases, overlays will determine the overall development outcomes as they prevail over the Development codes.

The Development manual planning scheme policy supports the Development codes. Many acceptable outcomes required for the Development codes are found in standards in the planning scheme policy. While the acceptable solutions are only one solution, they provide the baseline for what Council may accept for a particular development, recognising that it is not a one-size-fits-all approach.

Development codes are considered in most accepted subject to requirements, code and impact assessable development applications for:

  • material change of use
  • reconfiguration of a lot
  • operational works.

Relevant zones will set out the overall objectives to be achieved for development on a particular land parcel and Development codes are relevant in designing and undertaking development.

For example, an industrial zone will set out the objectives for land uses to achieve and Development codes will set out the specific details for the development to achieve, such as water supply and parking requirements.

The Key Development codes of the Townsville City Plan

The Development codes in Part 9 of the Townsville City Plan have been prepared in accordance with the Planning Regulation 2017. The below is a summary of the key Development codes found in the Townsville City Plan (excluding the regulated requirements found in the Planning Regulation 2017) and their purpose.

Facilitate economic activity through the advertising of business, products and/or services; while ensuring high levels of visual amenity, public safety and maintaining the character of the locality.

Development manages stormwater and wastewater as part of the integrated total water cycle and in ways that help protect the environmental values important to Townsville and relevant state legislation.

Landscaping in both the private and public domains is designed and constructed to a high standard, provides a strong contribution to the city image, is responsive to the local character, site and climatic conditions and remains fit for purpose over the long term.

Facilitate the creation of attractive, accessible and functional neighbourhoods and a well-integrated, compact and sustainable city form; while protecting the productive capacity, landscape character and ecological and physical functions of Townsville’s diverse natural resources.

Ensure appropriate provision for transport and end of trip facilities, and to facilitate, as far as practicable, an environmentally sustainable transport network.

Ensure development is provided with a level of infrastructure which maintains or enhances community health, safety and amenity and which avoids or minimises impacts on the natural environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Council has sought to reduce the number of development applications required by not requiring a development approval for intended development outcomes, or where development does not exceed particular thresholds. Many land uses do not require a development approval from Council where they are considered low risk, but they may be subject to assessment against the accepted subject to requirements benchmarks. Development codes may apply to all forms of development where they are stated as assessable, or accepted subject to requirements.

The filling and excavation of any material from your property may require an approval from Council. The planning scheme specifies thresholds for when a permit (operational work) may be required. Filling or excavation for retaining walls and some building works may require a development approval. An approval is required to ensure that adjoining properties, the environment and public assets are protected and that there are no risks to human health or property.