The purpose of this page is to explain the intent of the Rural residential zone within the Townsville City Plan.

Zones designate land for a particular use (for example: residential, industrial, or rural). All properties within Townsville are included in a zone. Precincts may be identified for part of a zone. A precinct provides further detail for a specific area within a zone.

A planning scheme (referred to as Townsville City Plan) is a legal document that guides and regulates how land can be developed. The Townsville City Plan is made up of two key elements: a written component and maps.

Purpose of Rural Residential Zones

The purpose of the Rural residential zone is to provide for residential development on large lots where local government infrastructure and services may not be provided and where the intensity of residential development is generally dispersed.

The Rural residential zone has reflected areas of Townsville that have existing rural residential characteristics, including Alligator Creek, Kelso and Jensen/Black River.

The Townsville City Plan provides for a wide range of rural residential land uses (for example roadside stalls, animal husbandry, animal keeping and home based business). Non-residential uses can occur within the zone where they support the day-to-day needs of the community and do not unreasonably detract from the amenity of the area. Some rural uses can also occur, including cropping.

Subdivision of land in the Rural residential zone is designed to maintain a semi-rural lifestyle, which is a dominant feature of this zone. Significant environmental features will be protected, including vegetation, wetlands and waterways.

The natural environment and its values are an important factor across the Rural residential zone. Development in this zone will need to protect natural values and may need to include buffers.

Other Information of Interest to the Rural Residential Zone

The Development Codes and Overlays pages provide information about other aspects of the Rural residential zone.

Development Codes

Part 9 of the Townsville City Plan contains the development codes. This series of codes manage engineering design and construction standards, including servicing, subdivision, parking, access, landscaping and signage. Uses in the Rural residential zone will need to consider many of these codes when undertaking development.


Overlays that affect a lot will need consideration in conjunction with the Rural residential zone code. Development will need to respond to the overlays ensuring the appropriate design outcomes are achieved whilst complying with the objectives and purpose of the zone codes. In some cases, overlays will determine the overall development outcomes in response to the nature of the overlay, for example, to avoid the impacts of flooding.

Rural Residential Zone Overview

The Townsville City Plan has used the Planning Regulation 2017 requirements for zones (including names and colours). Use definitions are represented in the Townsville City Plan in Schedule 1.

Council is seeking to improve efficiencies in the Townsville City Plan by not requiring planning approval for intended development outcomes or where development does not exceed particular thresholds in the Rural residential zone.

The following information identifies the overall intent of the Townsville City Plan Rural residential zone and intended development.


  • provides for semi-rural lifestyles, in which the primary use is detached housing on large lots which may have limited access to infrastructure and services
  • provides for some subordinate, and generally domestic-scale, rural activities and home based business to occur.

Examples of Intended Development:

  • animal husbandry
  • animal keeping (if not a cattery or kennel)
  • cropping
  • dwelling house
  • home based business
  • roadside stall.

Frequently Asked Questions

Other than for animal keeping and cropping, the Townsville City Plan does not specify building setbacks for the Rural residential zone. Setbacks are controlled by the Queensland Development Code. Variations to the Queensland Development Code may require an application to be submitted to Council as a referral agency.

Overall, the minimum lot size to be achieved is 4,000m2. Within the Ross Dam Catchment, however, the minimum lot size is 4 hectares.

There are a number of general provisions that require assessment, including achieving the minimum lot size. Other design objectives to consider include services (water, sewer, stormwater, access) and location of natural vegetation.