
This application is for standard driveways to houses in ‘greenfield’ urban developments, i.e. new residential estates, where the existing layback kerb and channel doesn’t need to be modified.

If your application does not meet the below requirements for a self-assessable application, you must apply using the Road Work Permit (commercial & residential) application form.

Please note that Council’s prior approval is required under Subordinate Local Law 1.15 for carrying out any work within the road reserve. Work must not commence prior to receiving a road work permit.

What type of application is eligible?

The self-assessable road work permit application must meet ALL of the following criteria:

  1. be a residential driveway for a single dwelling
  2. be in a greenfield urban area (new estate)
  3. meet the criteria on the relevant Council standard drawings (e.g. widths, gradients) SD-030 and SD-032, and Townsville City Plan planning scheme policy SC6.4 Development Manual requirements
  4. meet all the required clearances to trees and utilities
  5. be clear of parking bays, bus stops, easements
  6. not require additional permits such as DTMR Road Corridor Permit, or a traffic management plan
  7. be the only driveway for the site
  8. be constructed in the street address (if corner block)
  9. require no modifications to kerb and channel.

What type of application is not eligible?

If your driveway is one or more of the following, it is not self-assessable:

  1. commercial/industrial or rural driveway
  2. does not meet the requirements in Council’s standard drawings and development manual
  3. located in a brownfield site (established area)
  4. additional driveway
  5. requires modification to kerb and channel
  6. clashes with services, e.g. telecommunication pits, water or sewer infrastructure, or street trees.