What are Infrastructure Charges?

Infrastructure Charges are required to be paid by developers to cover trunk infrastructure costs that arise as a result of development.

Further Information on Infrastructure Charges

Trunk infrastructure is the key network infrastructure that provides essential services to the Townsville area, including sewer, water supply, transport and parks. Infrastructure Charges are for the cost of capitol provision, and not used for maintenance or operational purposes.

When Council determines you should receive an infrastructure charge, you will be issued with an infrastructure charge notice. Your development may be levied charges if it is:

  • a reconfiguration of a lot (subdivision)
  • a material change of use of premises
  • carrying out accepted development subject to the requirements of the Planning Act 2016
  • certain types of building works.

Infrastructure charges will generally become payable when you complete your development. The final charges may require adjustments to reflect inflation, and will include offsets for any infrastructure you have provided.

Infrastructure Charge Resolutions

An Infrastructure Charge Resolution outlines the adopted charge for development.

Depending on when your development approval is decided, you will be levied charges per the Infrastructure Charges Resolution that applied in the financial year of approval.

Calculate your Charges

You can estimate the cost of your infrastructure charges by using our contribution calculators below. You must use the calculator version that applies to the time frame in which you received development approval.

Superseded contribution calculators are for developments that were assessed prior to the adoption of Council's first priority infrastructure plan. Find the contribution calculator that applies to your development below:

Superseded TCC Contributions Calculators:

Superseded COT Contributions Calculators: