The Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) contains information about the trunk infrastructure planned for Townsville and forms part of the Townsville City Plan (planning scheme).

Trunk infrastructure is the key network infrastructure that provides essential services to the Townsville area ensuring new growth areas are fully serviced allowing development to take place.

The (LGIP) identifies the following key trunk infrastructure:

  • water (for example, trunk water mains and reservoirs)
  • sewerage (for example, sewer treatment plants)
  • transport (for example, roads, footpaths, cycleways
  • public open space (for example, parks)
  • land for community facilities.

The LGIP uses assumptions about the scale of development, infrastructure demands and assumed growth to identify the required infrastructure over a 10-15 year period, to support the planning scheme.

The LGIP is located in Part 4 of the Townsville Planning Scheme.

The LGIP is located under Part 4 Local government infrastructure plan and Schedule 3 Local government infrastructure plan mapping and supporting material of the Townsville City Plan.

The LGIP consists of:

  • Extras material
  • Planning assumptions
  • Priority Infrastructure area
  • Desired standards of service
  • Plans of trunk infrastructure
  • Schedule of Works (SOW)

LGIP in the Townsville Planning Scheme

The mapping service allows users to review the Local Government Infrastructure Plan Maps.

It can be used to:

  • identify the area prioritised for the provision of trunk infrastructure
  • determine the location of existing and planned trunk infrastructure networks
  • obtain details on the existing and planned trunk infrastructure (for example, asset description and estimated year for construction).

LGIP Mapping on TownsvilleMAPS

For more information about the LGIP view:

In accordance with the Minister’s Guidelines and Rules, the local government must consider the accuracy, currency and relevance of the current Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) by using the Review checklist to identify any non-compliance with the current LGIP.

The Reviewer’s Checklist (PDF, 74.1 KB)

Extrinsic material associated with the LGIP can be found in Part 4 Local government infrastructure plan of the Townsville City Plan.