Date published: 20 November 2024

Townsville City Council would like to thank the development industry for their increased attention to the application of soil erosion and sediment control (SESC) measures within Townsville development sites.

Council wishes to remind developers that in addition to the general environmental duty under the Environmental Protection Act 1994, a number of development approvals contain SESC conditions that limit earthworks to the period outside of the higher risk months that align with the ‘wet season’.

For development approvals with this condition applied, the period of works is dependent on the risks associated with the site and this can vary between the months of April to November. At the end of this period, earthworks that are underway must cease, be suitably stabilised and made safe. If earthworks are proposed to occur during the higher risk months between November to April, amended SESC plans must be submitted to Council as part of an application for a Certificate of Compliance and approved prior to earthworks commencing or resuming.

To meet your obligations under the Act and conditions of development approval, all sites that are under your control need to have appropriate soil erosion and sediment control measures in place. It is also important that you liaise with other stakeholders (including clients/contractors etc) to ensure they are aware of their obligations and responsibilities to prevent or minimise environmental harm.

Council staff will be reviewing approvals and inspecting sites over forthcoming weeks and may be in contact regarding any concerns. It is hoped that any issues can be quickly addressed to ensure that all sites are adequately protected.