The Townsville City Plan reshapes and re-evaluates how our city will cater for our expected growth. It harnesses our urban footprint and focuses on creating opportunities for inner city living in and around our major activity centres.

Council estimates Townsville will require over 45,000 new houses within the next 25 years. Over the long-term planning horizon, Townsville’s population will change with the emergence of a range of family structures and sizes and general population ageing. The Townsville City Plan addresses the requirement by encouraging a range of housing types, a large diversity in lot sizes, housing choice and affordability, integrated open spaces, convenience centres and public transport links.

Significant infill development is targeted in locations such as the principal centre (CBD) and surrounds, North Ward, Aitkenvale, Thuringowa Central and Hyde Park major activity centres. Infill development will boast a wide range of housing choices, capitalising on nearby amenities and existing or planned public transport, to create more compact, walkable and vibrant urban neighbourhoods.

Principal Centre (Townsville CBD)

The revitalisation of the central business district (CBD) into a vibrant and cosmopolitan place will be a cornerstone of Townsville's evolution.

Download a copy of the Principle Centre CBD Information Sheet (PDF)

Aitkenvale Activity Centre

The Aitkenvale major activity centre will evolve to include higher density housing with other accommodation options, utilising nearby community facilities and public transport to become a compact, walkable and vibrant mixed-use urban neighbourhood.

Download a copy of the Aitkenvale Information Sheet (PDF)

North Ward Activity Centre

The proximity of The Strand to the CBD and North Ward, coupled with the amenity, will create substantial opportunities for more people to live in and enjoy the area.

Download a copy of the North Ward Information Sheet (PDF)

Thuringowa Central Activity Centre

The Thuringowa Central major activity centre will evolve to host higher density housing with other accommodation options, utilise nearby community facilities and public transport to become a compact, walkable and vibrant mixed use urban environment.

Download a copy of the Thuringowa Central Information Sheet (PDF)