Development Scheme

Development within the Townsville City Waterfront PDA boundary is assessed against the Townsville City Waterfront PDA Development Scheme. Access the Development Scheme and related Design Guideline and Marine Plant Management Guideline to find out the rules that apply in the PDA.

Design Guideline

The purpose of the guidelines is to support the delivery of key outcomes within the Townsville City Waterfront PDA Development Scheme for development in Area A (Townsville City Council)1.

The Townsville City Waterfront PDA Design Guideline and Inspiration Guideline should be read as a whole and in conjunction with the PDA Development Scheme and other relevant PDA guidelines, practice notes and material referenced in these guidelines.

Download the Townsville City Waterfront PDA Design GuidelineDownload the Townsville City Waterfront Inspiration Guideline

Download the Townsville City Waterfront PDA Design Guideline (PDF, 18.5 MB)

Download the Townsville City Waterfront Inspiration Guideline (PDF, 8.2 MB)

Development Assessment Powers

Development assessment powers in Area A have been delegated by the Minister for Economic Development Queensland (MEDQ) to Townsville City Council. All Townsville City Waterfront PDA development applications in Area A should be lodged with Townsville City Council. For Area B (shown in blue), applications should be lodged with MEDQ. Schedule 5 of the Development Scheme maps the areas of responsibility.

Map - Development Scheme

Infrastructure Charging Offset Plan

Network infrastructure identified for the PDA is listed under an Infrastructure Charging Offset Plan (ICOP). The ICOP identifies the level of service within and adjacent to the PDA at the 2026 planning horizon and consists of water supply, sewerage, footpaths and cycle ways. The ICOP also provides relevant details of any offsets that may be applicable against infrastructure charges.

For enquiries about the Townsville City Waterfront PDA or Development Scheme, please contact us.

Marine Plant Management Guideline

The Marine Plant Management Guideline outlines the management of mangroves and other marine plants on a section of the Ross Creek in Townsville, i.e within the Priority Development Area. It has been developed in recognition of the important environmental values of Marine plant areas protected under State legislation and the need to actively manage the PDA.

Download the Ross River Marine Plant Management Guideline 

Download the Marine Plant Management Guideline PDF (7.95MB)

3D Flythrough for The Waterfront

Also available in the following languages:

Chinese 中文 Japanese 日本語
Korean 한국어 Arabic العَرَبِية

Disclaimer: This flythrough is indicative only and has been prepared for illustrative purposes. You should always seek professional advice before making any decision that may impact on you financially or otherwise. Townsville City Council is not liable for any loss, costs or damage that you may incur as a result of any reliance on the information that is being made available.)